
Orthodontics are used to straighten teeth for an enhanced smile and to restore functionality to your jaw and bite.
The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that all children should have an evaluation with an orthodontist by the age of 7 regardless of how many teeth have grown out. Orthodontists are able to predict if any structural changes will occur to the child’s mouth and cause future issues.
Adults who lacked access to an orthodontist as a child or who suspect their once-treated teeth are shifting may also consider a visit to the orthodontist. There are teeth-straightening methods available for both children and adults.
Traditional Metal Braces
Metal braces are the most common form of braces. They are highly efficient at correcting orthodontic problems and are the most cost effective option. They come in many colors, including those that will match the shade of your teeth for added concealment.
Teeth Straightening
Based on your budget and needs, we will be able to guide you in the right direction so that you are one step closer to obtaining the smile of your dreams. If you have any questions regarding orthodontics or if you want to schedule an evaluation or appointment, then please call our office at 559-228-3000.